Apostle (Dr.) Godstreasure
Oghenaomhele Akeh (JP), a long time champion of peace advocacy, International
human rights defense, an intercessor for the Armed forces and other uniform
organization founded the chaplain corps of Nigeria (TCCN) in the year 2004 at
Effurun, Uvwie Local Government Area, and Delta State Nigeria.
The Chaplain Corps of Nigeria (TCCN)
is a non-combatant, non-governmental organization but an independent Christian
uniform organization with a burden for intercession for all branches of the
Armed Forces of Nigeria and other Uniform organization in general.
TCCN want to see a spirit filled
Armed forces with a mind filled with the fear of God as these Men and Officers
serve our great Nation.
TCCN is here to minister to the
spiritual, moral and physical needs of members of the Armed forces and other uniform
TCCN offers such services as: Assisting
the law enforcement Agencies in check mating crime, maintenance of peace,
conflict resolution and mediation, advocacy, sensitization and campaign against
HIV/AIDS, Social vile and general restiveness, Child labour, exploitation and abuse.
TCCN help dissemination on issues
that helps to sustain peace and co-operation, stability and solidarity. TCCN is
ready to provide relief assistance to those in depressive and war ravage areas
and countries of the world including the natural disaster victims and
persecuted around the world in partnership and cooperation with other
organizations with similar aims and aspirations.
TCCN is ready to help &
provide assistance to all Christian fellowship and churches in the Armed forces
and all uniform formation by organizing prayer meetings, seminars and relief as
the case may be, to strengthen them.
TCCN is not a profit making
organization and is made up of Men and Women of God and other matured
1. We believe the scriptures (The Holy Bible), both
Old and New Testament to be the inspired word of God, without error in the
original writing, the revelation of His will for the salvation of man, and the
divine authority for all Christian faith and life.
2. We
believe in one God, creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally
existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
3. We
believe that Jesus Christ is the true son of God and true man having been
conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary; He died on the cross
as a sacrificial Lamb for our sins according to the scripture. Again that He
arose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven, where He is at the right
hand of the majesty on High; He is now our High priest and Advocate.
4. We
believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus
Christ and During this age to convict man, regenerate the unbelieving sinners
and in dwell, guide instruct empower the believer for godly living and service
5. We
believe that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is
therefore lost and only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation
and spiritual life is obtainable.
6. We
believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the
only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe, and only such
as received Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and this become children
of God.
7. We
believe that water baptism by immersion and the Lord’s super are ordinances to
be observed by the chaplains during the present age. They are, however, not to
be regarded as means of salvation.
8. We
believe in the personal and pre-millennial and coming of our Supreme Field
Marshal and Commander General Jesus Christ and that this “Blessed Hope” has a
vital bearing on the personal life and service of the chaplain believer.
9. We
believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead of the believers to everlasting
blessedness and Joy with the Lord, of the unbelievers, to judgment and
everlasting conscious punishment.
believe in all the teaching of the Holy Bible as it affects our behavior.
ü To
pull resources together through networking and partnering with churches/leaders
and organizations to mobilize for evangelizing uniform formations.
ü To
formulate policies that will sustain and promote peace, human and religious
rights and dignity.
ü To
promote equity and justice
ü To
eradicate conflicts, war and crime
ü To
advocate for improve human welfare and development
ü To
provide spiritual guidance and ethical standard
1. To
promote peace and humanitarian services to the entire human race
2. To
reach out to all uniform officers and men, government establishment with aim of
interceding and leading all to salvation.
3. To
promote and encourage peaceful co-existence, harmony, brotherliness among
member of the corps, Nigeria and all uniform formations
4. To
help the less fortunate members of the society and serve as a relief mission to
5. To
co-operate with other organization to promote human rights religious freedom
and peaceful co-existence of all religious groups and to promote religious
tolerance and accommodation of divergent religious views so as to ensure peace
and Harmony among human race.
6. To
co-operate with the federal, state and local governments and their agencies,
parastatals including international
agencies in advancing peace, education,
human rights, religious freedom, charity, developmental programme, ethics and
7. To
partner with local and international agencies and chaplaincy organizations to
formulate policies that are acceptable for the promotion of international peace
and harmony, defense of religious rights and relief assistance to the
8. To
promote charity and humanitarian endeavors, protects, technical partnership in
all fields of human endeavor, voluntary social services and exchange programme
that are beneficial to mankind.
To give prayer
support to members of the Armed forces and their families.
give support to orphanages and remand homes
assist in the settlement of communal disputes and conflicts
give pastoral care to all uniform formations.
give safety and security services to Christian organization and humanity
give education and health services to the less privileged
give religious education, counseling, promotion of Moral and ethical
orientation among all uniform formations.
give help in the management of youth restiveness
act and organize prayer network and intercessor for all uniform formation.